Fox Blocks is proud of its active participation in these leading industry organizations.

The Asset Leadership Network: This network promotes the use of the ISO55000 management system, which generates and distributes a list of tasks to ensure the best management of any type of assets. When applied to buildings, Fox Blocks helps asset owners comply with ISO55000 tasks related to resiliency, information management, continuous improvement and more. Because Fox Blocks buildings withstand extreme weather events, the building asset and all the assets in it are more highly protected than with traditional construction methods. The Asset Leadership Network helps deliver this important message to the U.S. Federal Government and other owners of large asset portfolios.

The Society of American Military Engineers: Fox Blocks is proud to be a member of SAME, because there is no better place to have the resiliency of Fox Blocks structures than in military installations. Fox Blocks provides as much education and training to American military engineers as possible to support U.S. troop safety and taxpayer value with resilient structures. In addition to providing education at events, Fox Blocks is dedicated to providing detailed project-specific information to military engineering professionals.

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association: Fox Blocks works intimately with the NRMCA because our product is intrinsically related to ready mixed concrete. We share information about technical developments and improved product performance with NRMCA so our products work “hand-in-glove” to provide owners the greatest benefits from the highest quality insulated structural walls and foundations.

The Insulating Concrete Forms Manufacturers Association: The ICFMA brings together North America’s ICF manufacturers to share insights and improvements that benefit the entire building industry. North America has a growing demand for the highly insulated, highly resilient, and highly economic structures that ICF provides. Together, ICFMA members work to continually improve product performance so specific projects provide the highest measures of success.

Concrete Foundations Association: Working with the CFA allows Fox Blocks to understand the evolving needs and continual improvements occurring with concrete foundations. The CFA provides insights on how to increasingly meet requirements for systematic integration between Fox Blocks foundations and Fox Blocks walls, as well as the integration with concrete foundations of all types.