Energy Stick Facts

The bottom of each Energy Stick has been shaped to insert into the top of the previous Energy Stick. The projection is 1/2” which is the same height as the projections on the block. This way if the projection is left on the bottom of row one, the Energy stick will rest on the footing or slab.Top
The top of each Energy Stick has a recess to accept the bottom of the next Energy Stick. This eliminates movement during concrete placement.Connection
The top of every Energy Stick has been designed to fit snug between the ties. The lower 18” has been designed to slide into the block loosely to increase production and then guide itself to connect to the top of the previous Energy Stick.Shoulder
Every Energy Stick has a specially designed shoulder as a stop to ensure every Energy Stick locks into the proper location.Fox 1440
The Energy Sticks have been designed to work well in the solid Fox Blocks line as well as the 1440 line.R-Value
Each Energy Stick layer will add R-9 to the wall. You can insert the energy stick on one or two faces to achieve the R-value desired. As an example you could add three Energy Stick layers into the 12” block giving as much as R- 48+ with 6” of concrete!