The Fox Blocks Energy Stick

How do you improve an Insulated Concrete Form wall that already out-performs most wall systems in all climates? You move the concrete mass toward the living side of the wall. This unbalanced R-value will allow the mass to be closer to the living temperature of the conditioned space allowing for a more comfortable building.
The Fox Blocks design team had three goals:
- Move the mass away from the harsh temperatures;
- Increase R-value; and
- Build in reflective insulation.
Each stick is 8” wide, 32” tall, 2” thick and profiled to fit within all Fox Blocks. The reflective graphite coated Expanded Polystyrene is used to ensure an R-9 boost to the already high R-value of the Fox Blocks.
How to Use:
Simply insert the patent pending Energy Sticks between the plastic ties and to the outside face of wall after every two rows of blocks have been placed.Corner Blocks:
Fox Block corners are naturally thicker eliminating the need to insert Energy Sticks from the corner tie on. From the last straight tie to the corner tie you will need to wedge the Energy stick in place. A spot of expanding foam will also help to secure the Energy Stick from movement.Openings/Stacked Seams:
Simply cut the Energy Stick to fit in locations that are narrower than 8”. When larger than 8” use expanding foam to hold cut Energy Sticks.Range of Use:
Simply cut the Energy Stick to fit in locations that are narrower than 8”. When larger than 8” use expanding foam to hold cut Energy Sticks.Estimating:
- 3 Energy Sticks for every block ordered. - One box = 36 Energy Sticks. - One box of Energy Sticks will fill 12 blocksMan Hours:
Allow 4 minutes per box when inserting for the first time (= 950 square feet of wall per hour or .001 man hours per square foot)Bundle Sizes:
Each box of 36 Energy Sticks = approximately 24” x 24” x 33”

Sizing and Actual R-Value
6” Block + 1 Energy Stick (R-30+*) = 4” Concrete
8” Block + 1 Energy Stick (R-30+*) = 6” Concrete
10” Block + 1 Energy Stick (R-30+*) = 8” Concrete
10” Block + 2 Energy Sticks (R-39+*) = 6” Concrete
12” Block + 1 Energy Stick (R-30+*) = 10” Concrete
12” Block + 2 Energy Sticks (R-39+*) = 8” Concrete
12” Block + 3 Energy Sticks (R-48+*) = 6” Concrete
* This represents the overall average wall R-value. As an example in wood frame construction a wall with R-19 bat insulation will have an overall average wall R-value of less than R-16 due to thermal bridging.