These owners wanted a 100% self-sustaining, off-the-grid home. Because of its energy-efficiency and insulation properties, Fox Blocks ICF was the perfect solution.

Nestled in the mountains of Afton, Virginia, this stunning home features stained and polished concrete floors, custom-built cabinets and doors, and a mahogany outdoor ceiling. Functional amenities include a zero-entry master shower, a second full kitchen in the basement that is fully equipped for canning, a brewing room, and an ICF safe room. This home is a one-of-a-kind delight.

Building this dream home came with multiple construction difficulties. The owners lived on-site less than 100’ from their new home, which required constant communication on schedule and noise. Pouring the ceiling during February was a challenge with the temperature and warming trend, and it was the wettest year on record in Virginia during the construction phase of this project. Design change requests during the build called for creativity and quick decisions; the owners wanted to change the orientation of the driveway to the lower garage and decided to add a floor outlet in the great room after the concrete floor had already been poured. Through design changes and weather concerns this project is a great example of creativity in ICF building that resulted in a modern and energy-efficient home.
Project Stats
Location: Afton, VA
Industry: Large Residential
Size: 4,466 sq. ft. (Floor)
ICF Use: 7,951 sq. ft.
Cost: $650,000
Total Construction: 52 weeks
ICF Installation Time: 20 days