This unique air hangar is the first of its kind in terms of ICF applications. The design of this building was not intended to stand out, but to conform and fit its environment. With beautiful wood and stonework exterior finishes and the steep rake of the roof down to the embankment in which the hangar is nestled, the building elegantly blends into the beautiful Idaho surroundings without being obtrusive.

The build had to contend with a structure that was completely raked which required temporary support for an unsafe wall. This was solved by using Fox Blocks as the plastic struts built into the forms keep the blocks from sinking. The ICF created the perfect slope when pouring from 12’ back down to 2’ in elevation, and made this project possible even in the remote harsh environment.

The project site itself presented one of the largest hurdles this build had to overcome. Being extremely remote (three hours from the nearest batch plant) and completely snow-bound in the winter, construction time and transport of materials had to be incredibly efficient. Thanks to the light weight of Fox Blocks ICF, the delivery trailer was not as limited and encumbered on the rough roads as it would have been with heavier traditional materials.
Project Stats
Location: Stanley, ID
Industry: Aircraft Hangar
Size: 4,500 sq. ft. (Floor)
ICF Use: 6,000 sq. ft.
Cost: $1,100,000
Total Construction: 30 weeks
ICF Installation Time: 24 days