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Lake Powell 5
Location: Page, Arizona
Square Footage: 6,301 (overall), 5,019 (Fox Blocks)

The Lake Powell Residence design is very complex, with ten corners and five different floor levels, as well as an RV garage with 16-foot walls and an upper garage with nine-foot, six-inch walls. The county required sloping seven feet from the back patio, with a water-retention pond within the area. These requirements did not meet the owner’s expectations from a design standpoint, but ICFs created a simple and cost-effective solution. A Fox Blocks retaining wall was built along the back property line, which allowed for a leveled backyard.

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Lake Powell 3 1

Because the home sits on the bluffs of Lake Powell in Arizona, the desert topography caused extreme difficulty when leveling the main-level floor. The contractor did not want to use ledgers to level the floor, so the team used Fox Block’s ledge blocks and hung the floor trusses by the top cord. This was a perfect solution to creating a seamlessly leveled floor and created a simple and effective process for the construction team.

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Hav­ing a home that is sus­tain­able, ener­gy-effi­cient and well-insu­lat­ed was a top pri­or­i­ty for the Lake Pow­ell Res­i­dence. Build­ing with only ICF walls made it pos­si­ble to achieve this goal, because it keeps the home insu­lat­ed and the month­ly ener­gy costs low despite the high desert atmos­phere with hot tem­per­a­tures in the sum­mer and cool tem­per­a­tures in the win­ter. To fur­ther increase sus­tain­abil­i­ty, the home includes two five-ton elec­tric heat pumps, wall and ceil­ing insu­la­tion, and inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or LED light­ing

Location: Page, Arizona

Industry: Unlimited Residential

Size: 6,301 sq. ft.

ICF Use: 5,019 sq. ft.

Cost: $1.8 million

Total Construction: 88 weeks

ICF Installation Time: 35 days

GC & ICF Installer: Michael and Robin Crowther, Crowther Contracting LLC (Owner/Developer)

Architect: Michael and Robin Crowther

Forms Used: Misc. Core Fox Blocks, Blocks Ledge Blocks, and Fox Bucks

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