This owner-builder wanted an attractive, affordable relaxation spa that he could build himself on weekends. He designed the project to replicate a wine barrel protruding from the ground, inviting one and all to enjoy a glass and stay awhile.
The biggest challenge was finding a way to pour the components of the project in as few increments as possible. By attaching wood framing to plywood creatively used for block bracing, the builder was able to suspend the bottom of the ICF blocks above the mud slab initially poured to create a firm working surface that allowed a single pour for multiple components. Careful forming of coping at the top of the pool resulted in a near-perfect detail replicating the top rim of a wine cask. Because ICF forms were truly suspended within the framed bracing, and 70% of the ICF forms were above grade, extra care was taken not to disturb alignment when getting into the pool to work and while pouring the walls.
Fox Blocks Radius Blocks provided fast resolution to the challenge of radius wall forming. Any other method of creating a radius wall involved labor intensive preparation and execution, which wasn’t an option. Fox Blocks Radius Block provided a time-saving solution for walls and an excellent finished pool.
Project Stats
Location: Mathis, TX
Industry: Specialty Application (Pool)
Size: 350 sq. ft. (Floor)
ICF Use: 382 sq. ft.
Cost: $19,450
Total Construction: 50 weeks
ICF Installation Time: 5 days