This complex build of a large church was designed to incorporate a dramatic sloped roof with steel structural point loads to both 12” and 8” ICF block wall connections. A variety of window sizes, combined with the numerous elevation changes, sloped walls and cathedral walls, made for an extremely time-consuming and complex build. One of the major design features is the building’s transparency. As one enters the narthex, they are met by a wall of suspended opaque glass panels surrounding the baptistery, making it a focal point of the building. As one enters the nave, there is glass transparency from the altar to the chapel behind, and then vertical windows to the exterior, bringing the morning light.
This concept then allowed for a two-sided tabernacle to be placed between the sanctuary and the chapel. The nave is also designed in a semicircle, rather than as a long, narrow nave. This allows the farthest pew to be only 62 feet from the altar steps, rather than double that in a conventional church, making the worship space more intimate.
When construction began, extremely wet conditions, including flooding, delayed the process. Then the pandemic hit. Even with these delays and the complexity of the build, the building was finished in fall of 2020, and parishioners were finally able to hold services in their very own building that November. The priest and the diocese are extremely pleased with the project.

It is projected that ICF construction will afford lower operating costs over the life of the building versus conventional construction. The high reinforced walls will provide the strength needed to resist Nebraska winds, and the walls will also act as a heat sink to help reduce heating costs in the winter.
Project Stats
Location: Bellevue, Nebraska
Industry: Heavy Commercial
Type: Church
Size: 37,000 sq. ft. (floor)
ICF Use: 22,700 sq. ft.
Cost: $9 million
Total Construction: 81 weeks
ICF Installation: 100 days