20180906 102031
20190514 100032
20180824 133221
Location: Paoli, IN
Square Footage: 3,000 (overall) 2,300 (Fox Blocks)
20190514 100032

This build gave 30 high school students hands-on experience building a home with Fox Blocks ICF from the ground up. The overall design provided the students a comprehensive experience with ICF construction while providing the homeowner with a spacious energy-efficient, low-maintenance home. To ensure the construction site was safe for the student team working on the steep roof pitch, they installed a continuous fall-protection railing along the entire roof perimeter. The learning builders kept a high emphasis on quality and craftsmanship throughout the build process, ensuring the walls were plumb and absent of any voids or bulging issues. The final project includes a large encapsulated crawlspace that provides the homeowner with space to use for storage, a storm shelter, and mechanicals.


“I loved when construction students would come into my office to update me on how things were going, and so many of them had such wonderful things to report about the experience building with ICF walls. Not only was it exciting to be a part of that process; it has significantly helped me with my utility bills. My house is beautiful and energy efficient!”
— Brandi Kerley, homeowner

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“I really appreciate the chance to work with fox blocks and ICFs in general! I think that they are great products and lead to an end result of homes that are more structurally sound and energy efficient. I appreciate Fox Blocks’ support of the construction trades program and of the education of tomorrow’s builders!”
— Jon Shellenberger, construction trades teacher and builder

Project Stats

Location: Paoli, IN
Small Residential
2,300 sq. ft. (Floor)
ICF Use:
3,000 sq. ft.
Total Construction:
36 weeks
ICF Installation Time:
31 days

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