3 Problems with Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks
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Why ZERH Builders Profits are Decreasing
Today’s home­own­ers demand ener­gy-effi­cient and high-per­form­ing homes. As ZERH builders strive to accom­mo­date these demands, they also strug­gle with decreas­ing prof­its.
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5 Common Misconceptions About ICF Construction
ICF con­struc­tion cre­ates mod­ern struc­tures that are ener­gy-effi­cient, durable, dis­as­ter-resis­tant, and have good indoor envi­ron­men­tal qual­i­ty (IEQ). ICF con­struc­tion is also strong, flex­i­ble, fast and easy to install. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, even with these many ben­e­fits, some archi­tects and con­trac­tors are reluc­tant to uti­lize it due to mis­con­cep­tions about ICF con­struc­tion.
Decoding Net Zero Homes 2
Decoding Net-Zero Homes: Understanding the Concept and How to Build
IC Fs Make Home Ownership Attainable for Young Adults and Seniors
ICFs Make Home Ownership Attainable for Young Adults and Seniors
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8 Must-Haves for a Net-Zero Energy Home
A net-zero ener­gy home aims to make enough renew­able ener­gy to meet its own annu­al ener­gy con­sump­tion needs. These are 8 must-haves for a net-zero ener­gy home.
Solar Panels on Passive House Roof
What Is the Cost of Building a Net Zero Home?
Curb appeal
The Challenges of Building a Net Zero, Storm-Resistant Home
Build­ing a home that stands up to severe weath­er and flood­ing is one thing. Design­ing a net zero ener­gy cus­tom home that your clients will love is anoth­er.
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Building Stability: How to Construct Strong and Stable Structures
Cre­at­ing durable struc­tures that endure time and nature is a cru­cial aspect of mod­ern con­struc­tion. Ensur­ing sta­bil­i­ty, strength, and stur­di­ness involves more than mate­r­i­al selec­tion — it requires a grasp of con­struc­tion sci­ence.
Fox Blocks Wins Big at the 2020 ICF Builder Awards