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Reduce Commercial Building Construction Costs with ICF
Concrete masonry unit 2
CMU Walls: Advantages, Disadvantages and A Better Option
Insu­lat­ed con­crete form blocks pro­vide a host of advan­tages over tra­di­tion­al CMUs, includ­ing bet­ter ener­gy effi­cien­cy, eas­i­er con­struc­tion, and improved resilience.
School With Insulated Concrete Forms Header
Building a Disaster-Resistant School With Insulated Concrete Forms
11 Problems Associated with Structural Insulated Panels and a Better Alternative
Three Key Areas give You the True Accurate Cost of the ICF you Choose
Controlling Commercial Construction Labor Costs with ICF 1
Controlling Commercial Construction Labor Costs with ICF
Con­trol­ling Com­mer­cial Con­struc­tion Labor Costs with ICF
The Fox Buck and Concrete: How to Before and Afters
In this video, Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen does a walk-through of how to prop­er­ly brace the Fox Buck pri­or to pour­ing the con­crete.
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Fear Not - Simple and Quick ICF Foundations Can Save You Time and Money
Energy Stick Facts
The Ener­gy Sticks have been designed to work well in the sol­id Fox Blocks line as well as the 1440 line.