Constructing Footings with Fox Blocks Foundations
Manpower for 9,000 SF of ICF Wall Cut in Half!
“We completed 9,000 square-feet of wall in just five days with only five men. With normal masonry, it would have taken double the man power. Fox Blocks quality and ease of installation is important in an industry where time is money.”
Social Media, Inbox?
As I try to break into…..or attempt to utilize or at least sign up…….on some of the new social media or mediums that continue to grow in popularity, I realize that I must be old! Very, very old! I thought that my colleague out west “Mr. Sizzle” was about my age, but he is definitely young when it comes to all of these technologies!
3 Reasons Why ICFs and Swimming Pools are a Great Match
There are many reasons to use ICFs for your new swimming pool, but here are our top three.
2 Story ICF Construction: An Ultimate Guide
Explore the benefits of 2 story ICF construction for energy-efficient, durable homes with Fox Blocks’ advanced Insulated Concrete Forms.
Increasing Energy-Efficiency in Schools with ICF Construction
What Do You Mean You Haven’t Heard of an ICF?
Fox Blocks Integrated Learning Center’s (ILC) online training provides comprehensive step-by-step practices for adequately installing insulated concrete forms (ICFs).
Fox Block ICFs Commercial Buildings are Strong, Durable, and Comfortable
What Is An Energy Audit?
The term “energy audit” can seem daunting. But in reality, it’s nothing to be afraid of, and in fact, is designed to be beneficial to you.