Hof­brauhaus-Cleve­land required a 24,000 square foot addi­tion to accom­mo­date its grow­ing busi­ness.
5 Must-Haves for High Performance Building Envelope Systems
Fire Sta­tion 107 has been fea­tured in sev­er­al mag­a­zine arti­cles won an ICF builder award and an award from Sta­tion Style mag­a­zine.
How much will it cost per square foot to build an Fox Blocks ICF home?

Build­ing with Fox Blocks ICFs pro­vides you with a high per­for­mance wall sys­tem for the foun­da­tion and above grade walls. Build­ing any high per­for­mance home, with either ICFs or con­ven­tion­al wood fram­ing, has many fac­tors that define the end cap­i­tal costs.

What addi­tion­al mate­ri­als and labor are required to make a con­ven­tion­al foun­da­tion equiv­a­lent to an Fox Blocks ICF foun­da­tion which exceeds ener­gy code require­ments in most loca­tions? Con­ven­tion­al wood fram­ing requires con­sid­er­ably more mate­r­i­al, insu­la­tion and atten­tion to air seal­ing to make it qual­i­fy and per­form as a high per­for­mance wall. All of this, for con­ven­tion­al con­struc­tion, adds mate­r­i­al and labor costs to the over­all project. Fox Blocks ICFs pro­vide a sim­ple method to build high per­for­mance walls that pro­vide ongo­ing ben­e­fits from the high insu­la­tion val­ues and mass con­crete walls that are ener­gy-effi­cient and pro­vide cost sav­ings for the life cycle of the build­ing.

Com­par­ing cost per square foot between con­ven­tion­al con­struc­tion and ICFs for a high per­for­mance build­ing, is like com­par­ing apples to oranges. To devel­op con­struc­tion costs, more detailed infor­ma­tion is required, for instance the num­ber and size of open­ings, the shape and size of the home, the region­al costs for mate­r­i­al and labor, etc. If you have a project you’d like us to review and pro­vide a mate­r­i­al esti­mate, Fox Blocks would be hap­py to have one of our rep­re­sen­ta­tives con­tact you. Please com­plete and sub­mit a lead infor­ma­tion sheet on the web­site or call Cus­tomer Ser­vice.

Copy of Santa Rita Ranch exterior2
Dis­cov­ery is one of the four schools to receive the zero ener­gy cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, nation­wide.
Copy of Santa Rita Ranch exterior2
Dis­cov­ery is one of the four schools to receive the zero ener­gy cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, nation­wide.
Is installing ICFs a DIY project?
Fox Blocks rec­om­mends that all installers using Fox Blocks ICFs com­plete a Fox Blocks train­ing pro­gram to ensure they have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the basics. How­ev­er, for first time installers, it is pre­ferred that a Fox Blocks trained, expe­ri­enced installer inspect the instal­la­tion pri­or to place­ment of con­crete and assist in the place­ment of the con­crete, as they are famil­iar with work­ing with con­crete and can ensure the build is struc­tural­ly sound and safe and the walls are con­sol­i­dat­ed prop­er­ly, built straight and plumb.
The New Basement: A Modern Housing Innovation
Base­ments are no longer a scary, damp, and musty area. Learn about the new base­ment and how it has become the mod­ern hous­ing inno­va­tion it is today.
Properly Placing The Concrete
Depend­ing on the forms’ size and the con­crete core width, the con­crete aggre­gate size and slump should be adjust­ed accord­ing­ly. The ulti­mate goal is to get the cor­rect com­pres­sive strength for the con­crete as spec­i­fied.
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13 Vital Features of a Distribution Center in 2020
In 2020, as E‑commerce con­tin­ues to grow, busi­ness­es need big­ger, more finan­cial­ly-effi­cient and func­tion­al dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ters.