Icf hotel
Building Stronger Hotels with ICF Blocks
ICF Construction Tornado Header
ICF Construction Protects Homes and Families from Tornados
Fox 3
19 Important Features of an Energy Efficient Building
Building Beyond Code with ICF
While it may seem that hav­ing to com­ply with con­stant­ly-evolv­ing build­ing codes is just part of doing busi­ness in a mod­ern soci­ety, that’s not real­ly true.
Fox 4
Florida ICF Homes are Energy-Efficient, Storm-Proof, and Durable
Fire Resistant Building Header
The Ideal Design of a Fire-Resistant Building
15 MICHAEL HOUSE 1 jumbo
Home Construction: Built to Endure Hurricanes
A few sur­viv­ing hous­es caught the eye of media out­lets around the world, seem­ing­ly untouched by Hur­ri­cane Michael’s destruc­tion. What made these hous­es dif­fer­ent?
Correctly Estimating the Cost of a Building Project: 5 Tips
Project cost is one of the most dif­fi­cult — and most impor­tant — esti­ma­tions for any con­struc­tion com­pa­ny to get right. You want to be able to set man­age­able expec­ta­tions for your client, but also present a bud­get that is attrac­tive enough for them to choose you as their gen­er­al or sub-con­trac­tor while still mak­ing a prof­it your­self.
ICF Tornado Safe Rooms Header
ICF Tornado Safe Rooms or Shelters for Homes and Small Businesses
Glen’s Contractor Tip Corner
Get­ting start­ed, the hot and cold ICF expe­ri­ence.