House Framing 101 - How to Select the Best Framing Option for Your Home

Architectural Design Solutions: Using ICFs for Stylish Structures

The Benefits of Fox Blocks ICF Over Batt Insulation

How Architects Can Sell Clients on ICF Construction
Utilizing ICF for residential projects is an amazing way to create strong and safe homes while utilizing ICF for commercial projects is an easy way to hit deadlines earlier with lower costs. Want to know how to sell your clients on ICF construction? Keep reading to receive expert knowledge on all the benefits and the best way to communicate them.

How to Build a Warehouse the Right Way

Building Blocks: The Essentials of Modern and Efficient Elementary School Construction

A Guide to Designing an Energy-Efficient Building in a Hot Climate

How to Define Comfort in a Home
We all want a comfortable home where we can release the stresses of the day. Fox Blocks presents seven tips to help you optimize the comfort of your home.

Masonry vs. Wood Frame Construction and a Better Option
As technology has advanced, new construction methods have emerged. Understanding the traditional masonry vs. wood frame rivalry sets the stage for why a better alternative exists.

Designing for Disaster Protection and Storm-Proof Homes
Exterior wind damage is responsible for 25% of all homeowner insurance claims. That doesn’t include the interior losses that occur when damaged windows and roofs let rain wreak havoc inside. While we can’t prevent windstorms, we can lessen their damage by planning home designs with wind-resistance as a top priority.