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The Evolution of Building Inspections
The evolv­ing and improv­ing field of build­ing inspec­tion, along with real estate reg­u­la­tions, enures that today’s buy­ers can make more accu­rate and informed deci­sions on their build­ing pur­chas­es than they could 50 years ago.
Using ICF to Build a Home with Modern Adobe Style Walls
The design flex­i­bil­i­ty of Fox Blocks can eas­i­ly enhance an adobe style home that is com­fort­able, ener­gy-effi­cient, dis­as­ter-resis­tant, and durable.
Energy modeling
How to Measure and Plan for Energy Efficiency in Your Building
As cli­mate change becomes a greater issue, archi­tects are under increas­ing pres­sure to design sus­tain­able, yet high-per­for­mance build­ings. In this blog, we go over some effec­tive strate­gies you can use dur­ing the design process to enhance your building’s ener­gy effi­cien­cy
Fox Blocks products being used to build a home.
From Efficiency to Durability: The Many Benefits of ICF Construction
IC Fs Make Home Ownership Attainable for Young Adults and Seniors
ICFs Make Home Ownership Attainable for Young Adults and Seniors
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4 New Building Code Changes You Need to Know
Under­stand­ing new build­ing codes is cru­cial for con­struc­tion pro­fes­sion­als and home­own­ers alike, espe­cial­ly with the increased fre­quen­cy and inten­si­ty of hur­ri­canes and tor­na­does.
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Tips for Building a Storm-Resistant Home in Oklahoma
Waterproofing Below Grade Insulated Concrete Forms
Waterproofing Below-Grade Insulated Concrete Forms
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Insulating Your Dreams: Unraveling the Benefits of ICF Homes in Minnesota
4 Tips For Overcoming The Labor Shortage
For com­pa­nies and pro­fes­sion­als suf­fer­ing from the industry’s labor short­age, these four tips can help over­come some of those obsta­cles and keep projects on sched­ule and on bud­get.