The Superior Thermal Performance of ICF Lintels over Wood Lintels
4 Alternative Materials for Wood in Construction
Wood has been a staple in construction for centuries. From the humble log cabin to the towering skyscrapers of modern metropolises, wood always seems to find its place in construction.
6 Trends for New Resident Hall - Dormitory Design and Construction
United States (U.S.) student housing construction projects are experiencing rapid growth, with investments in student housing reaching $9.8 billion in 2016 and $8 billion in 2017.
What is the Strongest Foundation for a House?
The foundation is fundamental to the longevity, strength, and structural soundness of a house. Homeowners and professionals often ask, “Which foundation is the most effective for a house?” Find out here!
How to Understand Energy Ratings for Your House
Party Wall Construction: Why ICFs Are the Best Option
Party wall construction plays a crucial role in the development of townhouses, condominiums, and duplexes. Party walls are strategically placed to separate individual units within a shared structure, to provide privacy, fire protection, and structural stability.
10 Steps for Building a Home with Insulated Concrete Form Blocks
An ICF home, like one built with Fox Blocks, provides many of the essential features that today’s homeowner is looking for: excellent indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy-efficiency, and disaster-resistance.
Building for Durability: The 7 Strongest Building Materials for Residential Construction
Building a home involves careful planning and meticulous construction. The materials used can dramatically impact the durability, aesthetics, and comfort of the home. This article will explore the seven most durable building materials for residential construction, and provide insights into the strongest material for building a house and the longest-lasting building materials available today.
How to Speed Up New Home Construction
Lightweight and sturdy ICFs, like Fox Blocks, speed up new home construction with quick and easy installation, guaranteed availability, and both hot and cold temperature resistance.
Energy Modeling as an ICF Design Tool