The Best Vapor Systems for Basement Walls
Insulated Concrete Forms Header
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) Vs. Wood-Frame Construction
Insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICF) cre­ate a more ener­gy-effi­cient, qui­et, and healthy build­ing than one built with wood-frame con­struc­tion. ICF build­ings are also more resis­tant to dis­as­ter, fire, insect, and mois­ture intru­sion than wood-frame struc­tures.
ICF vs Wood Framing: Reaching the Tipping Point
Reaching the Tipping Point — ICF vs. Wood Framing
12 Easy Steps for High-Performance, Healthy Homes
Builders and home­own­ers that fol­low these 12 easy steps for home design and con­struc­tion will cre­ate a high-per­form­ing and healthy home that is com­fort­able and safe.
Medical building construction
The Benefits of Building a Medical Facility with ICF Construction
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ICF vs. Steel Framing: Which Is Best For Commercial Construction?
ICFs have been used with great suc­cess for projects such as hotels, the­atres, mul­ti-sto­ry res­i­den­tial, office, retail, mixed-use retail, edu­ca­tion­al projects and all man­ner of pub­lic works and fed­er­al mil­i­tary appli­ca­tions. How­ev­er, some peo­ple argue that Steel Fram­ing is best for com­mer­cial con­struc­tion, so we decid­ed to get to the bot­tom of the ICF vs. Steel Fram­ing face-off.
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6 Home Building Trends for 2020 Home Buyers
Home­build­ing trends large­ly reflect the demands of the Mil­len­ni­als — the largest home-buy­ing group enter­ing the hous­ing mar­ket as first time home buy­ers.
Insulated Concrete Form used to Build a Warehouse
How to Build a Warehouse the Right Way
How to Build a Shopping Mall: Key Steps and Considerations
Shop­ping mall con­struc­tion is a com­plex and reward­ing process that requires care­ful plan­ning, effi­cient exe­cu­tion, and sus­tain­able design. From site selec­tion to final inspec­tions, every step con­tributes to cre­at­ing a thriv­ing retail des­ti­na­tion.
Top 22 ICF Commercial Construction FAQs
Com­mer­cial ICF con­struc­tion has strict stan­dards, codes, bud­gets and time­lines to fol­low, and mak­ing sure you imple­ment ICFs accu­rate­ly and effi­cient­ly is impor­tant. We com­piled a list of the top ICF FAQs we get to help you feel con­fi­dent in your deci­sion to choose Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Forms for your next project.