Insulated Concrete Forms Overview by Fox Blocks ICF

Insulated Concrete Forms Overview by Fox Blocks ICF

Fox Blocks LSL Buck in place with bolts

Fox Blocks LSL Buck in place with bolts

Fox Blocks ICF Fiber Cement Siding Attachment 4K

Fox Blocks ICF Fiber Cement Siding Attachment 4K

ICF Military Contractor Fox Blocks speed vs. CMU

ICF Military Contractor Fox Blocks speed vs. CMU

Fox Blocks Fox Clip on short column vertical 5 2011 021.avi

Fox Blocks Fox Clip on short column vertical 5 2011 021.avi

Fox Blocks Glen showing off the robust interlock and Fox Corner advantage

Fox Blocks Glen showing off the robust interlock and Fox Corner advantage

Is the Fox Blocks product rated by ‘Energy Star’?
Ener­gy Star does not eval­u­ate or rate insu­la­tion prod­ucts. Every Fox Blocks home when test­ed by an Ener­gy Rater, can meet and exceed the Ener­gy Star home stan­dards and achieve a 5 Star rat­ing and a HERS’ score well below the min­i­mum Ener­gy Star require­ment of 85, or in Cana­da, high­er than an Ener­Guide rat­ing of 80.
How Strong is the Fox Blocks 90° Corner?
We built a test wall 440 feet long x 9′-4″ tall with 24 turns, with no brac­ing or strap­ping, to test the 90 degree blocks with con­crete.
Back to Basics: Advantages of Fox Blocks ICF Forms
The advan­tages of Fox Blocks ICFs are sev­er­al. Fox Blocks pro­vide a clever design that has the good fea­tures of the tried and true ear­ly brands of ICFs, and then has incor­po­rat­ed sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments, which enhance the ease of use to the installer.
Fox Blocks and Habitat for Humanity – Partners in Sustainability
Fox Blocks and Habi­tat for Human­i­ty have a grow­ing rela­tion­ship, built on our com­mon inter­est in pro­vid­ing home own­ers with well-built homes that are ener­gy effi­cient.”