Tips for Finding the Right Contractor
When you’re ready to move forward with your project, finding the right contractor can be a daunting task.
What Is An Energy Audit?
The term “energy audit” can seem daunting. But in reality, it’s nothing to be afraid of, and in fact, is designed to be beneficial to you.
Does Concrete Mix Really Matter?
Proper concrete mix saves time on labor, facilitates concrete consolidation and ensures a successful Fox Blocks wall pour.

5 Net Zero Energy Homes That Will Inspire
We’ve compiled a list of zero-energy homes that incorporate sustainable construction into the building process. The results are 5 facilities that prove zero net energy can be achieved with careful planning and appropriate implementation.
Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important & How to Create It
Experts agree that controlling or conditioning indoor air is the best way for a business to increase employee efficiency and to reduce costs connected with employee health care.
Industry Standard ICF’s: Feedback from Contractors
January through April is when we plant our seeds for the year by displaying our product for the market in trade shows. I’ve participated in these trade shows for 17 years now in the ICF industry and it has always been the same old thing, but this year was notably different.
Glen's Contractor Tip Corner: Short Jogs
I had a call this week from a contractor who wanted to know if there was an easy way to build a two foot jog into a wall. This brought back flashbacks of when I used to attempt to interlock corners thinking the strength of the interlock was going to hold things together during concrete placement.
Three Key Areas give You the True Accurate Cost of the ICF you Choose
Senate Proposes to Incorporate Energy Performance into the Mortgage Loan
Democrats and Republicans came together recently to introduce the HOMES Act in Congress that would provide rebates up to $8000 to homeowners who invest in energy saving performance improvements to their homes
International GreenBuild Trade Show in Toronto
Over the past few years developers have observed that LEED registered buildings lease more quickly and with rent premiums of up to 30%.