In order to maximize the available project footprint and achieve the beautiful mediterranean-inspired look, the design required complex, tight-radius corners and openings.
A Zero-Energy Living Concept for a Brighter and Greener Future. Zero Place is a groundbreaking development boasting zero-energy living in its four-story mixed-use building with 46 multi-family units and 8,400 square feet of retail space.
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) Vs. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
10 House Construction Ideas For Your New Build
Constructing a new home is a significant project filled with decisions about aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. For homeowners looking to merge innovation with practicality, there are several cool ideas for new home construction.
The New Canadian NBCC Code and ICFs Compared to Wood Framing
4 New Building Code Changes You Need to Know
Understanding new building codes is crucial for construction professionals and homeowners alike, especially with the increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes and tornadoes.
The Upside of Digging Down: Why Adding a Basement to Your New Build is a Smart Investment
The Best Way to Approach High R Value Wall Construction
Build to Resist Tornadoes: Storm Safe ICF Structures
Research by Texas Tech Wind Science and Engineering Research Center has demonstrated that ICF walls better protect occupants of houses from windblown debris, than frame walls. Being hit by windblown debris is the most common cause of injury during tornadoes.
Do I Really Need a Building Permit for This?
When building a new home or business, it’s essential for contractors to obtain a building permit and post it at the construction site.