Industry Standard ICF’s: Feedback from Contractors
January through April is when we plant our seeds for the year by displaying our product for the market in trade shows. I’ve participated in these trade shows for 17 years now in the ICF industry and it has always been the same old thing, but this year was notably different.
Supporting Green Initiatives in Government with ICF Construction
Despite understanding the need for sustainability, many architects, designers and building owners see the associated costs as a barrier. The reality is that, while switching to sustainable building practices does require an initial investment, it’s not as much as many assume.
New Training for the Fox Block Interlock
We have found it to be a waste of time and energy to attempt to offset or stagger the block as in the photo to the left. By creating a vertical stacked seam you will be more accurate with the job dimensions and will increase your profit by gaining efficiency.
R-Value: It's More Than a Number
Although R‑values are considered to be the standard measure for insulation, they are not the whole story when it comes to choosing insulation.
ICF Home Plans are Versatile and Limitless in Design Options
Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important & How to Create It
Experts agree that controlling or conditioning indoor air is the best way for a business to increase employee efficiency and to reduce costs connected with employee health care.
How to Build a Wind-Resistant Home with Fox Blocks ICFs
Tragically, between 2000 and 2017 there were 894 wind and 1417 tornado-related deaths. In 2017, 36 percent of the wind and 63 percent of the tornado-related fatalities happened either in a mobile or permanent home. A wind-resistant design is critical to a home’s integrity and a family’s safety.
Growing ICF Awareness
Anybody that knows ICF has said or heard the same thing. “What a great way to build-why don’t we see it going up everywhere?”
Three Key Areas give You the True Accurate Cost of the ICF you Choose