Build to Resist Tornadoes: Storm Safe ICF Structures
Research by Texas Tech Wind Science and Engineering Research Center has demonstrated that ICF walls better protect occupants of houses from windblown debris, than frame walls. Being hit by windblown debris is the most common cause of injury during tornadoes.
In the Field: Gymnasium Auditorium in Phoenix, AZ
Take a tour with us through the Gymnasium Bourgade Hillman High School in Phoenix, AZ.
How to Turn a Corner with a Corbel Ledge Block
In this video, Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen shows how to make a mitered corner with the Corbel Ledge Block.
Social Media, Inbox?
As I try to break into…..or attempt to utilize or at least sign up…….on some of the new social media or mediums that continue to grow in popularity, I realize that I must be old! Very, very old! I thought that my colleague out west “Mr. Sizzle” was about my age, but he is definitely young when it comes to all of these technologies!
Truss wire – Do we need it?
I was a believer in using truss wire when installing other ICF’s but now that I’m using the Fox Blocks ICF I have been convinced by contractors that it is not necessary.
Round Top Openings with the Fox Buck: A How To
Fox Block’s Glen Klassen shows you how to get it done for three different radiuses.
ICF Builder Awards Round Up
We thought we’d share a round up of some of our previous awards.
Back to Basics: Advantages of Fox Blocks ICF Forms
The advantages of Fox Blocks ICFs are several. Fox Blocks provide a clever design that has the good features of the tried and true early brands of ICFs, and then has incorporated significant improvements, which enhance the ease of use to the installer.
Energy Stick Facts
The Energy Sticks have been designed to work well in the solid Fox Blocks line as well as the 1440 line.