How do I determine which size ICF to use?

ICFs pro­vide a rein­forced con­crete wall which is designed to spe­cif­ic engi­neer­ing prin­ci­ples. Typ­i­cal res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion, per the applic­a­bil­i­ty lim­its in the build­ing code, allows walls 10′ (3 m) high or less between lat­er­al sup­ports (floor and roof con­nec­tions). Below grade walls must have a min­i­mum 6″ (150 mm) con­crete core. In some regions, an 8″ (200 mm) con­crete core is the min­i­mum allowed thick­ness for below grade walls.

The 4″ (100 mm) form can­not be used below grade as a foun­da­tion wall. The 4″ (100 mm) form may be used for above grade walls up to a max­i­mum of 10′ (3.0 m).

The 6″ (150 mm) form, above grade, is lim­it­ed to approx­i­mate­ly 14′ (4.2 m) in height. Walls high­er than 14′ (4.2 m) must use an 8″ (200 mm) or larg­er form.

Typ­i­cal res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion will use 6″ or 8″ con­crete core size blocks. Project spe­cif­ic engi­neer­ing may allow for some core thick­ness to span ver­ti­cal­ly high­er than these pro­posed guide­lines.

Fox Blocks Buck all sizes end profile
Fox Blocks Accessories
Fox Blocks prod­ucts are com­ple­ment­ed by a full line of acces­sories to make your project’s con­struc­tion eas­i­er. From win­dow and door bucks to the only patent­ed ICF mason­ry anchor on the mar­ket, we have got you cov­ered.
The Fox Blocks Line-Up at a Glance
With advice from lead­ing con­trac­tors in the Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form busi­ness, Fox Blocks has cre­at­ed an incred­i­ble group of blocks.
2016 CABELAS 13
Con­struct­ed dur­ing one of the worst win­ters in over 30 years, hav­ing over 8′ of snow fall dur­ing the 12 weeks of Fox Blocks con­struc­tion.
Senate Proposes to Incorporate Energy Performance into the Mortgage Loan
Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans came togeth­er recent­ly to intro­duce the HOMES Act in Con­gress that would pro­vide rebates up to $8000 to home­own­ers who invest in ener­gy sav­ing per­for­mance improve­ments to their homes
Springhouse Village IMG 4030
Sound-Proof Assist­ed Liv­ing Cen­ter Com­plet­ed On-Time Amidst Pan­dem­ic. Spring­house Vil­lage Senior Cen­ter has received high praise from res­i­dents and vis­i­tors for its wel­com­ing design, res­i­dent safe­ty, and peace­ful atmos­phere.
Is the Fox Blocks product rated by ‘Energy Star’?
Ener­gy Star does not eval­u­ate or rate insu­la­tion prod­ucts. Every Fox Blocks home when test­ed by an Ener­gy Rater, can meet and exceed the Ener­gy Star home stan­dards and achieve a 5 Star rat­ing and a HERS’ score well below the min­i­mum Ener­gy Star require­ment of 85, or in Cana­da, high­er than an Ener­Guide rat­ing of 80.
Oelrich Alachua County Tax Collector Office 1734 1
Eco-Friend­ly Space to Serve the Pub­lic. The Alachua Coun­ty Tax Collector’s Office is a wel­com­ing space with staff and clients at the fore­front of design.
Fox Blocks Expands ICF Manufacturing to Texas and Missouri
Fox Blocks is excit­ed to announce con­tin­ued expan­sion of our ICF man­u­fac­tur­ing loca­tions! We are now being pro­duced in Keller, TX and Nixa, MO- bring­ing the total to 18 man­u­fac­tur­ing points across the US and Cana­da.
22 story finished 1
This 104,000 square foot project won an ICF Builder Award.