Blower Door Test 101: Essential Guide to Airtightness in ICF Construction
The Fox Buck - Take the Wood out of Windows and Doors
Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen gives an overview of the Fox Buck ICF window and door buck.

How To Easily Build a Hurricane-Resistant Home with ICF Construction
ICF construction offers an easy way to achieve hurricane-resistant wall systems that protect against wind, flying debris, and flooding.

How to Make Concrete More Sustainable with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)

How to Achieve a High Whole-Wall Thermal Performance With Fox Block ICFs
The whole-wall thermal performance of ICF ensures a comfortable living and working space with energy savings and manageable bills.

How ICF Construction Lowers Capital and Yearly Expenses and Improves Resale Value

Why Real Estate Investors Should Rebuild with ICF Instead of Fix and Flip
Real estate investors can limit the financial risks of fix and flip construction by demolishing the old structures and rebuilding with insulated concrete forms (ICFs).

5 Reasons Why ICF Offers The Best Wall Construction for Passive House Design

Improve the Comfort and Health of a Building with Soundproof Exterior Walls
The need to incorporate soundproofing features in the exterior walls of today’s homes and buildings has increased in recent decades. Urbanization, population growth, and an increase in air, rail, and highway traffic all have contributed to a widespread escalation of noise pollution.

How ICFs Provide Airtight and Fire-Resistant Common Walls for Multi-Family Buildings