Fortified home cosntruction
Staying Safe: Fortified Construction Protects Your Home & Family
For­ti­fied home con­struc­tion refers to using mate­ri­als and tech­niques in com­bi­na­tion with one anoth­er to make your home stronger and more resilient as a shel­ter.
ICF Construction: Theater Owners Like What They Hear AND What They Don't
ICF Wall Sys­tems are the supe­ri­or choice for build­ing com­mer­cial the­aters, due to how they con­tain inter­nal sound as well as mit­i­gate exter­nal sound.
Shear Walls vs. Load Bearing Walls
When con­struct­ing a build­ing, ensur­ing its sta­bil­i­ty and resilience is crit­i­cal. Two essen­tial com­po­nents that play cru­cial roles in build­ing sta­bil­i­ty are shear walls and load bear­ing walls.
5 Must-Haves for High Performance Building Envelope Systems
15 Building Products Designed to Withstand Natural Disasters
While many build­ings these days are designed with the same basic prin­ci­ples, there are times when excep­tions need to be made.
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ICF Basements 101: Everything You Need to Know Before You Build
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Home Construction: Built to Endure Hurricanes
A few sur­viv­ing hous­es caught the eye of media out­lets around the world, seem­ing­ly untouched by Hur­ri­cane Michael’s destruc­tion. What made these hous­es dif­fer­ent?
Alternative materials for wood in construction 4
4 Alternative Materials for Wood in Construction
Wood has been a sta­ple in con­struc­tion for cen­turies. From the hum­ble log cab­in to the tow­er­ing sky­scrap­ers of mod­ern metrop­o­lis­es, wood always seems to find its place in con­struc­tion.
Simple Ways to Save Money On Your Build
As builders and buy­ers look to con­tin­u­al­ly fight ris­ing costs, mak­ing small changes and minor sub­sti­tu­tions, as a way of val­ue engi­neer­ing, can large­ly impact the final cost of a build.
Icf homes minnesota 1
Insulating Your Dreams: Unraveling the Benefits of ICF Homes in Minnesota