Three Key Areas give You the True Accurate Cost of the ICF you Choose
Have You Heard? We're Expanding ICF Production to Alaska!
Fox Blocks is expanding manufacturing and ICF production to Anchorage, Alaska, by partnering with Insulfoam Manufacturing Facility.
Everything Your Customer Wants You to Know About the Latest LEED Changes
Contractors, architects and engineers are designing and constructing new buildings that are using renewable materials, investing in sustainable HVAC systems, and are improving the building envelope to reduce the amount of energy waste.
Staying Safe: Fortified Construction Protects Your Home & Family
Fortified home construction refers to using materials and techniques in combination with one another to make your home stronger and more resilient as a shelter.
Social Media, Inbox?
As I try to break into…..or attempt to utilize or at least sign up…….on some of the new social media or mediums that continue to grow in popularity, I realize that I must be old! Very, very old! I thought that my colleague out west “Mr. Sizzle” was about my age, but he is definitely young when it comes to all of these technologies!
Why Real Estate Investors Should Rebuild with ICF Instead of Fix and Flip
Real estate investors can limit the financial risks of fix and flip construction by demolishing the old structures and rebuilding with insulated concrete forms (ICFs).
What is the Optimal Foundation Wall Thickness?
A concrete foundation wall’s thickness plays an integral role in its long-term strength and durability. Local building codes mandate the foundation specifications, addressing conditions that affect the foundation thickness.
Get Quicker Winter Construction with ICF
From Efficiency to Durability: The Many Benefits of ICF Construction
Integrated Design in Architecture and Construction
In the field of architecture and construction, integrated design is a powerful solution that tackles the inefficiencies of traditional isolated processes. This approach combines different project elements under a unified vision, and proves particularly effective with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) like those from Fox Blocks. By using ICF, the building process becomes more efficient and collaborative.