The Business Case for Building Multifamily with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)

How to Make Concrete More Sustainable with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)

National Building Code of Canada Explained
What is the National Building Code of Canada? Learn its key principles, how it ensures safety, and its role in guiding construction projects!

Everything You Should Know About Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Construction

A Roadmap for Realtor Education: Adapting for Climate Change

3 Reasons Why Building with LEED Materials is Better for Your Business
As green building becomes more common practice, there is a trend towards lower construction costs associated with building sustainably, due to improved technologies and more readily available environmentally friendly building materials.

Insulated Concrete Forms: Pros and Cons

5 Considerations for Your Next Convenience Store Construction Project
Manpower for 9,000 SF of ICF Wall Cut in Half!
“We completed 9,000 square-feet of wall in just five days with only five men. With normal masonry, it would have taken double the man power. Fox Blocks quality and ease of installation is important in an industry where time is money.”

6 Alternative Building Materials for 2019