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Keep Calm - That School Was Built With ICFs
Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form wall sys­tems, Fox Blocks, are a way to cre­ate an extreme­ly safe struc­ture. When teach­ers and stu­dents return to an ICF school, they are pro­tect­ed against these ele­ments.
Fox Blocks ICF to Acquire Reward Wall Systems Assets
Fox Blocks ICF announced that it will acquire select key assets from Reward Wall Sys­tems, Inc, inte­grat­ing those assets into its own oper­a­tions and aug­ment­ing the Fox Blocks Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form (ICF) prod­uct line.
Fox Blocks Acquiring Key Assets of ARXX Building Products
Fox Blocks ICF announced that it will acquire select key assets from ARXX Build­ing Prod­ucts, inte­grat­ing those assets into its own oper­a­tions and aug­ment­ing the Fox Blocks Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Form (ICF) prod­uct line.
Solid Design with ICF Blocks Header
Wind Resistant Buildings: Creating a Solid Design with ICF Blocks
Wall sys­tems con­struct­ed with Fox Blocks insu­lat­ed con­crete forms (ICFs ) ensure a wind-resis­tant struc­ture with a strong con­tin­u­ous load path that holds the roof, walls, floors, and foun­da­tion togeth­er dur­ing an intense wind event.
Energy modeling
How to Measure and Plan for Energy Efficiency in Your Building
As cli­mate change becomes a greater issue, archi­tects are under increas­ing pres­sure to design sus­tain­able, yet high-per­for­mance build­ings. In this blog, we go over some effec­tive strate­gies you can use dur­ing the design process to enhance your building’s ener­gy effi­cien­cy
ICF Dealers
The much antic­i­pat­ed and patient­ly wait­ed for Fox Blocks deal­er loca­tor is here!
A Better Approach to Fire Safety with Concrete Building Design
Non-com­bustible, insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) con­struc­tion is a bet­ter approach to fire safe­ty over wood con­struc­tion.
An Issue of Mold
Indoor air qual­i­ty (IAQ) has always been an impor­tant issue, whether or not we’ve real­ized it.
Does Concrete Mix Really Matter?
Prop­er con­crete mix saves time on labor, facil­i­tates con­crete con­sol­i­da­tion and ensures a suc­cess­ful Fox Blocks wall pour.