Fox Block IC Fs Commercial Buildings
Fox Block ICFs Commercial Buildings are Strong, Durable, and Comfortable
ICF Home California
The Rising Trend of ICF Construction in California
To keep up with Cal­i­for­ni­a’s strict ener­gy stan­dards, many builders and archi­tects are turn­ing to ICF con­struc­tion.
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4 Defining Characteristics of High-Performance Buildings
High-per­for­mance build­ings also pos­i­tive­ly impact the envi­ron­ment and pro­vide finan­cial ben­e­fits before and after con­struc­tion.
How to Build a Hurricane Proof House in Florida
Flori­da, often hailed as the Sun­shine State, is no stranger to the annu­al threat of hur­ri­canes. As a res­i­dent or poten­tial home­own­er, one can’t help but feel the loom­ing pres­ence of these pow­er­ful storms. In light of this, the demand for hur­ri­cane-proof hous­es in Flori­da has grown expo­nen­tial­ly. Now, more than ever, home­own­ers are seek­ing solu­tions that not only ensure the safe­ty of their loved ones, but also pro­vide a sus­tain­able and ener­gy-effi­cient lifestyle.
Copy of 14 Finished Exterior
The project was built to cre­ate a sound and visu­al bar­ri­er between the neigh­bor­ing home after a sec­tion of trees on the side yard that joined the two prop­er­ties was cleared.
Copy of Everett L Williams exterior front entrance
Ash­bury Hills Ele­men­tary School is the first com­plete school built with ICFs in the state of Nebras­ka, and its gym­na­si­um was built to full height with Fox Blocks.
Dominion springs 1
Dominion Springs Plaza
This high-end, mul­ti-build­ing, retail plaza was the first of its kind in the world of ICF con­struc­tion.

Press Release: Fox Blocks Joins Well Made Here