The Business Case for Building Multifamily with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
Glen's Contractor Tip Corner: Short Jogs
I had a call this week from a contractor who wanted to know if there was an easy way to build a two foot jog into a wall. This brought back flashbacks of when I used to attempt to interlock corners thinking the strength of the interlock was going to hold things together during concrete placement.
What Climates Does ICF Work Best In?
Record-Low HERS Index Score Attained with Net-Zero Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Home
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) Vs. Wood-Frame Construction
Insulated concrete forms (ICF) create a more energy-efficient, quiet, and healthy building than one built with wood-frame construction. ICF buildings are also more resistant to disaster, fire, insect, and moisture intrusion than wood-frame structures.
What Is the Cost of Building a Net Zero Home?
The Benefits of Building a Medical Facility with ICF Construction
6 Home Building Trends for 2020 Home Buyers
Homebuilding trends largely reflect the demands of the Millennials — the largest home-buying group entering the housing market as first time home buyers.
10 Ways to Lower Homeowners Insurance Rates
Homeowners insurance is essential for protecting your property and assets, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Learning how to lower home insurance premiums can lead to substantial savings.
10 Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Traditional Concrete