![Screen Shot 2020 02 10 at 2 58 14 PM](https://dogk5k0c5kg4s.cloudfront.net/web/images/Screen-Shot-2020-02-10-at-2.58.14-PM.png?mtime=20200210155825&focal=none)
17 Innovative Construction Trends for 2020
![Screen Shot 2020 01 16 at 12 28 50 PM](https://dogk5k0c5kg4s.cloudfront.net/web/images/Screen-Shot-2020-01-16-at-12.28.50-PM.png?mtime=20200116132906&focal=none)
The Evolution of Building Inspections
The evolving and improving field of building inspection, along with real estate regulations, enures that today’s buyers can make more accurate and informed decisions on their building purchases than they could 50 years ago.