Duplex vs. Multiplex: Choosing the Right Investment
Duplex or mul­ti­plex: which is the bet­ter invest­ment? Learn the dif­fer­ences, pros, and cons to make the right choice for your prop­er­ty goals!
2016 10 03 10 03 29 Southeast Exposure 1
5 Reasons Why Hotels Should Use ICF for Swimming Pools
Whether you desire to build an above-ground or below-ground pool, you can enjoy the design flex­i­bil­i­ty of ICF pool con­struc­tion.
ICF vs Fiberglass 2
Dive into the Debate: ICF vs. Fiberglass for Pool Construction
Fox 2
How to Speed Up New Home Construction
Light­weight and stur­dy ICFs, like Fox Blocks, speed up new home con­struc­tion with quick and easy instal­la­tion, guar­an­teed avail­abil­i­ty, and both hot and cold tem­per­a­ture resis­tance. 
Combat Rising Construction Labor Costs with ICF 4
Combat Rising Construction Labor Costs with ICF
ICF Walls Are Less Expensive Than CMU
ICF Walls Are Less Expensive Than CMU
Many con­trac­tors ask us the same ques­tion: Is ICF more expen­sive than CMU? Here’s why ICF walls are less expen­sive than CMU and offer bet­ter ben­e­fits.
Kayden s Place 024 Water on
Com­mu­ni­ty and Char­i­ty Bring Kay­den a Spe­cial Back­yard Oasis. Kayden’s Place is a water fea­ture, pool and play­ground that pro­vides Kay­den, a 12-year-old boy with a very rare genet­ic dis­ease, with a back­yard adven­ture that con­tributes to his sen­so­ry and cog­ni­tive devel­op­ment.
5 disadvantages to diy concrete foundation forms
5 Disadvantages to DIY Concrete Foundation Forms
Before you begin your con­crete foun­da­tion forms DIY project, con­sid­er these five dis­ad­van­tages of DIY con­crete form con­struc­tion.
Bto toz Zero Net 2 back
The home­own­ers want­ed to build a home that would be beau­ti­ful, func­tion­al, and sus­tain­able. They brought in an ICF expert con­trac­tor who select­ed Fox Blocks as the ide­al build­ing mate­r­i­al to accom­plish the home­own­ers goals. This home was built direct­ly into a nat­ur­al rock ledge and fea­tures large cov­ered porch­es and breeze­ways on the exte­ri­or and beau­ti­ful oak floors through­out the inte­ri­or.