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The Advantages of ICF over CMU Construction
Con­crete mason­ry units (CMU) and insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) walls have sev­er­al fea­tures in com­mon: ener­gy-effi­cien­cy, dura­bil­i­ty, and good indoor envi­ron­men­tal qual­i­ty (IEQ). How­ev­er, ICF is quick­er and eas­i­er to install com­pared to CMU, which saves time and mon­ey.
What Additional Insulation Do You Need for an ICF Home
What Additional Insulation Do You Need for an ICF Home?
Easy-to-install ICF wall sys­tems help cre­ate ener­gy-effi­cient, durable, dis­as­ter-resis­tant, and healthy homes. But do you need addi­tion­al wall insu­la­tion for ICF homes?
Crop Durable Cabin Cottage with Fox Blocks Header
Building a Year-Round, Energy-Efficient and Durable Cabin with Fox Blocks ICF
Cab­ins and cot­tages often start as a sec­ond home or week­end retreat. ICF con­struc­tion ensures year-round use of the cab­in.
Top 22 ICF Commercial Construction FAQs
Com­mer­cial ICF con­struc­tion has strict stan­dards, codes, bud­gets and time­lines to fol­low, and mak­ing sure you imple­ment ICFs accu­rate­ly and effi­cient­ly is impor­tant. We com­piled a list of the top ICF FAQs we get to help you feel con­fi­dent in your deci­sion to choose Insu­lat­ed Con­crete Forms for your next project.
A photo of a commercial retail construction building
Factors That Impact Cost When Building a Commercial Retail Building
Con­struct­ing a com­mer­cial retail build­ing is a sig­nif­i­cant invest­ment that comes with its own set of com­plex­i­ties. Var­ied fac­tors can impact the over­all cost of build­ing a retail build­ing, each con­tribut­ing to the final price tag.
How much will it cost per square foot to build an Fox Blocks ICF home?

Build­ing with Fox Blocks ICFs pro­vides you with a high per­for­mance wall sys­tem for the foun­da­tion and above grade walls. Build­ing any high per­for­mance home, with either ICFs or con­ven­tion­al wood fram­ing, has many fac­tors that define the end cap­i­tal costs.

What addi­tion­al mate­ri­als and labor are required to make a con­ven­tion­al foun­da­tion equiv­a­lent to an Fox Blocks ICF foun­da­tion which exceeds ener­gy code require­ments in most loca­tions? Con­ven­tion­al wood fram­ing requires con­sid­er­ably more mate­r­i­al, insu­la­tion and atten­tion to air seal­ing to make it qual­i­fy and per­form as a high per­for­mance wall. All of this, for con­ven­tion­al con­struc­tion, adds mate­r­i­al and labor costs to the over­all project. Fox Blocks ICFs pro­vide a sim­ple method to build high per­for­mance walls that pro­vide ongo­ing ben­e­fits from the high insu­la­tion val­ues and mass con­crete walls that are ener­gy-effi­cient and pro­vide cost sav­ings for the life cycle of the build­ing.

Com­par­ing cost per square foot between con­ven­tion­al con­struc­tion and ICFs for a high per­for­mance build­ing, is like com­par­ing apples to oranges. To devel­op con­struc­tion costs, more detailed infor­ma­tion is required, for instance the num­ber and size of open­ings, the shape and size of the home, the region­al costs for mate­r­i­al and labor, etc. If you have a project you’d like us to review and pro­vide a mate­r­i­al esti­mate, Fox Blocks would be hap­py to have one of our rep­re­sen­ta­tives con­tact you. Please com­plete and sub­mit a lead infor­ma­tion sheet on the web­site or call Cus­tomer Ser­vice.

5 disadvantages to diy concrete foundation forms
5 Disadvantages to DIY Concrete Foundation Forms
Before you begin your con­crete foun­da­tion forms DIY project, con­sid­er these five dis­ad­van­tages of DIY con­crete form con­struc­tion.
Home plan conversion
5 Important Things to Remember for an ICF Home Plan Conversion
The build­ing indus­try has seen a rel­a­tive­ly recent trend of archi­tects, design­ers, and home­own­ers mov­ing away from ener­gy con­sump­tive forms of con­struc­tion and the imple­men­ta­tion of more sus­tain­able, less expen­sive con­struc­tion meth­ods.
Interior of ICF House
How Much Does an ICF House Cost to Build?