How to Define Comfort in a Home
How to Define Comfort in a Home
We all want a com­fort­able home where we can release the stress­es of the day. Fox Blocks presents sev­en tips to help you opti­mize the com­fort of your home.
Build a Concrete House and Reap the Energy-Saving Rewards of Thermal Mass Home Design
Everything You Need to Know About ICF Construction in Michigan
ICF Construction in Michigan - Everything You Need to Know
Everything You Need to Know About ICF Construction in Texas
ICF Construction in Texas - Everything You Need to Know
How to Build a Guest House
How to Build a Guest House: Costs, Speed, and Energy Savings
Flexible design
Your Guide to Building a Home With the Future in Mind
Some clients might want to leave the home to future gen­er­a­tions of fam­i­ly mem­bers, while oth­ers may have a pas­sion for envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Com­ments like that all point to the same thing: a client who wants a home designed with the future in mind. And, by keep­ing up with the lat­est devel­op­ments in future-focused design, you can pro­vide the solu­tion.
26 ICF Builders & Contractors to Consider for Your Construction Needs
Home Climate Control
Home Climate Control: How to Prepare for When the Power Goes Out
The Best Framing Option for Texas Coastal Homes
The Best Framing Option for Texas Coastal Homes
Fox 4
21 Construction Techniques to Build a Small, Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Home