Fox Blocks 12 Inch Corner Form at manufacturing plant showing off

Fox Blocks 12 Inch Corner Form at manufacturing plant showing off

Fox Blocks awarded project thru Beaty Masonry and 3D Estimating proposal

Fox Blocks awarded project thru Beaty Masonry and 3D Estimating proposal

Fox Blocks in Laguna radius corner and tower poured out clean

Fox Blocks in Laguna radius corner and tower poured out clean

Fox Blocks Radius Form and what a radius wall looks like

Fox Blocks Radius Form and what a radius wall looks like

Fox Blocks Plant opening tour first load staging in Central California

Fox Blocks Plant opening tour first load staging in Central California

Fox Blocks ICF Setting forms with hammer on full height web

Fox Blocks ICF Setting forms with hammer on full height web

Fox Blocks How to Layout Scaffold on Insulated Concrete Form Walls

Fox Blocks How to Layout Scaffold on Insulated Concrete Form Walls

Fox Blocks Wins Big at the 2020 ICF Builder Awards
Do I need an engineer to design and stamp Fox Blocks building plans?
Fox Blocks are list­ed in the build­ing codes (IRC- Sec­tions R404, R611 or NBCC Part 9) with spe­cif­ic applic­a­bil­i­ty lim­its for res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion. If the project meets the applic­a­bil­i­ty lim­its with­in the build­ing code, a Pro­fes­sion­al Engi­neer may not be required (depen­dent on local build­ing depart­ment require­ments). A build­ing offi­cial has the right to request engi­neer­ing and in some regions all projects require a professional’s stamp. For any projects that exceed the applic­a­bil­i­ty lim­its, a Pro­fes­sion­al Engi­neer is required for the struc­tur­al design. Check with your local build­ing depart­ment.
Wind Resistant Home with Insulated Concrete Forms Header
How to Build a Wind-Resistant Home with Fox Blocks ICFs
Trag­i­cal­ly, between 2000 and 2017 there were 894 wind and 1417 tor­na­do-relat­ed deaths. In 2017, 36 per­cent of the wind and 63 per­cent of the tor­na­do-relat­ed fatal­i­ties hap­pened either in a mobile or per­ma­nent home. A wind-resis­tant design is crit­i­cal to a home­’s integri­ty and a family’s safe­ty.