What is a Shear Wall and How Does it Protect Your Building
What is a Shear Wall and How Does it Protect Your Building?
Con­struc­tion of a shear wall includes mate­ri­als and design that enhance a structure’s stiff­ness, strength, and duc­til­i­ty in order to with­stand lat­er­al forces from severe winds and earth­quakes.
How to Define Comfort in a Home
How to Define Comfort in a Home
We all want a com­fort­able home where we can release the stress­es of the day. Fox Blocks presents sev­en tips to help you opti­mize the com­fort of your home.
Architectural Design Solutions
Architectural Design Solutions: Using ICFs for Stylish Structures
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How to Build Medical Office Buildings Faster
Accelerating Construction Schedule
Benefits of Accelerating the Design Process and Construction Completion Schedule
IC Fs Make Home Ownership Attainable for Young Adults and Seniors
ICFs Make Home Ownership Attainable for Young Adults and Seniors
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How to Design a Building for Passive Survivability
Get to Know Us: Large-Scale Commercial Project Team
In this arti­cle, Randy Daniels and DC Mangimel­li, two pas­sion­ate team lead­ers dri­ven to assist in the suc­cess of ICF com­mer­cial projects for clients across the coun­try, share their insights, val­ues and an inside look into their every­day work and accom­plish­ments with com­mer­cial ICF instal­la­tion.
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21 Construction Techniques to Build a Small, Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Home
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17 Innovative Construction Trends for 2020