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6 Things to Consider When Building a Basement
This unique air hangar is the first of its kind in terms of ICF appli­ca­tions. The design of this build­ing was not intend­ed to stand out, but to con­form and fit its envi­ron­ment. With beau­ti­ful wood and stonework exte­ri­or fin­ish­es and the steep rake of the roof down to the embank­ment in which the hangar is nes­tled, the build­ing ele­gant­ly blends into the beau­ti­ful Ida­ho sur­round­ings with­out being obtru­sive.
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8 Tips for Contractors Installing ICF on Commercial Projects
Com­mer­cial ICF instal­la­tion can seem com­pli­cat­ed and over­whelm­ing if you don’t go in prepped and pre­pared. Keep read­ing to learn eight of our best tips for installing ICF on com­mer­cial projects.
Pool Foundation Built with ICFs
The Best Material Options for a Reliable Pool Foundation
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First Type II Non-Com­bustible, Net-Zero Home in the U.S. This home was designed, built and com­plet­ed in less than 21 months with the same cost as a tra­di­tion­al build.
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Decoding Net-Zero Homes: Understanding the Concept and How to Build
Quick Build Construction: ICF Construction for Tract Home Builders
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What is a Resilient Home and How to Build One
Con­struct­ing strong homes that endure time and nature is cru­cial in mod­ern build­ing. Resilient homes are cre­at­ed to with­stand harsh weath­er and pro­vide excep­tion­al dura­bil­i­ty and safe­ty for home­own­ers.
Shear Walls vs. Load Bearing Walls
When con­struct­ing a build­ing, ensur­ing its sta­bil­i­ty and resilience is crit­i­cal. Two essen­tial com­po­nents that play cru­cial roles in build­ing sta­bil­i­ty are shear walls and load bear­ing walls.
Party Wall Construction: Why ICFs Are the Best Option
Par­ty wall con­struc­tion plays a cru­cial role in the devel­op­ment of town­hous­es, con­do­mini­ums, and duplex­es. Par­ty walls are strate­gi­cal­ly placed to sep­a­rate indi­vid­ual units with­in a shared struc­ture, to pro­vide pri­va­cy, fire pro­tec­tion, and struc­tur­al sta­bil­i­ty.