Remove Costs on your ICF Project
Two proven areas to remove costs are cor­ners and truss wire.
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3 Problems with Steel Frame Construction and Why ICF is a Better Alternative
There are three prob­lems with steel frame con­struc­tion that affect the safe­ty, effi­cien­cy, and dura­bil­i­ty of the struc­tures they cre­ate.
When is a Taper Top form required?
Taper Top forms are specif­i­cal­ly designed to pro­vide a larg­er bear­ing sur­face along the top of the wall. Typ­i­cal­ly, the increased bear­ing sur­face may be used to sup­port mason­ry, floor or roof loads. Taper top forms are used in the tran­si­tion from ICF to wood frame con­struc­tion and the taper top form would be the top form on the wall.
6 Alternative Building Materials for 2019
Winter construction
Get Quicker Winter Construction with ICF
Top Tips for Building a FEMA Approved Storm Shelters
Fox Blocks Featured On ProudGreenBuilding
Fox Blocks was con­tact­ed to sup­ply some info for a quick sto­ry air­ing on Fox News, on fire resis­tant homes and ICFs.
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Win­ter­set Com­mu­ni­ty Church want­ed a larg­er gath­er­ing space for the local com­mu­ni­ty, so they decid­ed to add a gym­na­si­um to their wor­ship build­ing. The addi­tion had to be built quick­ly while the church was still in use, blend in seam­less­ly with the exist­ing struc­ture, and offer high noise pro­tec­tion between the church and the gym­na­si­um.

ASTM 2843 Density of Smoke Test Data Report