First Type II Non-Combustible, Net-Zero Home in the U.S. This home was designed, built and completed in less than 21 months with the same cost as a traditional build.
Back to Basics: Advantages of Fox Blocks ICF Forms
The advantages of Fox Blocks ICFs are several. Fox Blocks provide a clever design that has the good features of the tried and true early brands of ICFs, and then has incorporated significant improvements, which enhance the ease of use to the installer.
This school has hundreds of complex shapes and sizes that were accommodated by Fox Blocks.
How Will This Year's Vote on the IECC Affect Your Next Project?
Today, there are many voices making waves in building codes and green/energy-efficient design; none are more important than the views of local officials that vote on hundreds of proposals to change the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
ICF Construction in Arizona
This owner-builder wanted an attractive, affordable relaxation spa that he could build himself on weekends. He designed the project to replicate a wine barrel protruding from the ground, inviting one and all to enjoy a glass and stay awhile.
8 Impressive Modern Homes Built with ICF
Any sustainability consultant will tell you that a building’s insulation is a crucial part in constructing an energy-efficient, high performance home. Choosing the right material and insulation method for a build ensures homeowners will have a sustainable building envelope for the life cycle of the home.
Fox Blocks Accessories
Fox Blocks products are complemented by a full line of accessories to make your project’s construction easier. From window and door bucks to the only patented ICF masonry anchor on the market, we have got you covered.
After losing their home to a fire in 2017, the project owners aimed to build a replacement that was similar in design but stronger and more fire-resistant. The fire had extensively damaged the site, which necessitated a complete demolition of the old structure, including the former basement, prior to the construction of the new ICF home.
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