5 Considerations for Your Next Convenience Store Construction Project 1
5 Considerations for Your Next Convenience Store Construction Project
How to Choose a 1-Hour Fire-Rated Wall Assembly
Home Climate Control
Home Climate Control: How to Prepare for When the Power Goes Out
ICFs and Severe Weather
The steel rein­forced con­crete, which can cure stronger than nor­mal con­crete because of the foam insu­la­tion, can with­stand winds of over 200 MPH, and pro­jec­tile debris trav­el­ing over 100 MPH. There are dozens of eye wit­ness exam­ples of ICF homes tak­ing EF5 tor­na­does head on with the walls still stand­ing.
Design Workplace Structure that Minimizes Virus Transmission
How to Design a Structure that Minimizes Virus Transmission in the Workplace
A Better Approach to Fire Safety with Concrete Building Design
Non-com­bustible, insu­lat­ed con­crete form (ICF) con­struc­tion is a bet­ter approach to fire safe­ty over wood con­struc­tion.
Is an ICF home quieter than a stick framed home?
Absolute­ly. The exte­ri­or walls are two lay­ers of con­tin­u­ous insu­la­tion, the den­si­ty of sol­id con­crete and a lay­er of ½” gyp­sum board on the inside all con­tribute to supe­ri­or sound sup­pres­sion of STC 50 for the whole build­ing enve­lope. Note: A wood frame sys­tem of equiv­a­lent STC rat­ing would be 2 x 4 studs spaced 16˝ o/​c, with 3½˝ absorp­tive mate­r­i­al, 1 lay­er of 5 /8˝ Type X gyp­sum board on resilient chan­nels spaced 16˝ o/​c, and 2 lay­ers of 5 /8˝ Type X gyp­sum board on the oth­er side. (Cour­tesy of 1995 NBCC Sec­tion A9.10.3.1 Wall #W5a)
Checklist 2589418 1280
Insulated Concrete Form Installation Checklist
Check­lists can be an impor­tant part of any project. We’ve cre­at­ed a series of instal­la­tion check­lists bro­ken out in phas­es to help you be the most effi­cient with your next ICF project.
Passive Solar ICF Home Plans
Passive Solar ICF Home Plans: Costs and Design Best-Practices
Highland Hero
Homeowner Saves Time and Energy by Choosing ICF
The own­er of this 6,000 square foot home was attract­ed to Fox Blocks because of its ener­gy effi­cien­cy but was also hap­py with the ease of con­struc­tion that save time and mon­ey.