The Best Framing Option for Texas Coastal Homes
5 Reasons Why ICF Offers The Best Wall Construction for Passive House Design
17 Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Building
Living with a Safe Foundation
Tips for Building a Storm-Resistant Home in Oklahoma
How to Design a Home or Building with Good and Healthy Air Quality
How to Design a Structure that Minimizes Virus Transmission in the Workplace
How Much Does it Cost to Frame a House?
When you build a house, framing will take the biggest bite out of your budget. However, costs vary significantly based on your home’s design and material choice.
Is ICF Construction Worth the Cost for Commercial Buildings?
ICF construction for commercial buildings has skyrocketed over the past few years. ICF benefits ranging from sound insulation to durability to building strength and disaster resistance have piqued a lot of interest for builders and architects. But it has some scratching their heads, mistakenly thinking ICF is more expensive and then wondering, “Is ICF construction cost worth it?”
ICF Tornado Safe Rooms or Shelters for Homes and Small Businesses