Fox 4
21 Construction Techniques to Build a Small, Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Home
Can I install a 16' garage door and / or large openings in a concrete wall?
Yes, if the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria is avail­able for the design of a con­crete lin­tel (beam) over the open­ing – con­crete lin­tel depth min­i­mum 16″ (400 mm) or more with no point loads. Larg­er open­ings would require an engi­neered design.
IMG 0732 2
In order to max­i­mize the avail­able project foot­print and achieve the beau­ti­ful mediter­ranean-inspired look, the design required com­plex, tight-radius cor­ners and open­ings.
Fox Blocks retaining wall with heavy vertical dowels 12 inch core handles it

Fox Blocks retaining wall with heavy vertical dowels 12 inch core handles it

This project is an icon­ic cor­ner­stone at the Dis­ney Springs enter­tain­ment com­plex at Walt Dis­ney World.
Fox Blocks Recognized at 2013 ICF Builder Awards Projects from Five States Receive Awards
We are hon­ored to be rec­og­nized with these five ICF Builder Awards. Fox Blocks won five awards in three cat­e­gories, with projects from five dif­fer­ent states.
Construction Jobsite Sanitation
Construction Jobsite Sanitation: 10 Tips for Keeping Your Contractors Safe on a Jobsite
How strong is the Fox Blocks corner 1 of 3 insulated concrete forms.wmv

How strong is the Fox Blocks corner 1 of 3 insulated concrete forms.wmv

Why is the concrete limited to a placement height or lifts of 4 feet (1.2 m)?
To alle­vi­ate the pres­sure from the liq­uid con­crete, the con­crete is placed in lay­ers or lifts’. The first lift is lim­it­ed to 4′ (1.2 m) of con­crete around the perime­ter of the build­ing. This allows approx­i­mate­ly one hour for the con­crete to set-up before con­tin­u­ing with the next 4′ (1.2 m) lift. The low­er lift pro­vides sup­port for the next lift as the con­crete is placed con­tin­u­ous­ly around the build­ing in con­sec­u­tive lifts to the top of the wall.