Why ICF is a Best Practice in Constructing Public Safety Buildings
Fox Block ICF public safety buildings provide first responders a safe, healthy, and quiet environment.
Achieve a Net Zero Office Building With These Architectural Tips
Architects can achieve an NZE office building with innovative materials and methods. Please read on for ten architectural tips for designing an NZE office building.
Why ZERH Builders Profits are Decreasing
Today’s homeowners demand energy-efficient and high-performing homes. As ZERH builders strive to accommodate these demands, they also struggle with decreasing profits.
Training and Continuing Education
Cinder Block (CMU) vs. Traditional Poured Concrete Wall Foundations
We cover the differences between CMU blocks and poured concrete foundations so that you don’t have to learn from trial and error.
3 Reasons Why Building with LEED Materials is Better for Your Business
As green building becomes more common practice, there is a trend towards lower construction costs associated with building sustainably, due to improved technologies and more readily available environmentally friendly building materials.
International GreenBuild Trade Show in Toronto
Over the past few years developers have observed that LEED registered buildings lease more quickly and with rent premiums of up to 30%.
Constructing Footings with Fox Blocks Foundations
5 Disadvantages to DIY Concrete Foundation Forms
Before you begin your concrete foundation forms DIY project, consider these five disadvantages of DIY concrete form construction.
Why ICF Construction is Perfect for Oklahoma Homes in Tornado Alley