How to Turn a Corner with a Corbel Ledge Block
In this video, Fox Blocks’ Glen Klassen shows how to make a mitered cor­ner with the Cor­bel Ledge Block.
Round Top Openings with the Fox Buck: A How To
Fox Block­’s Glen Klassen shows you how to get it done for three dif­fer­ent radius­es.
Three Key Areas give You the True Accurate Cost of the ICF you Choose
Social Media, Inbox?
As I try to break into…..or attempt to uti­lize or at least sign up…….on some of the new social media or medi­ums that con­tin­ue to grow in pop­u­lar­i­ty, I real­ize that I must be old! Very, very old! I thought that my col­league out west Mr. Siz­zle” was about my age, but he is def­i­nite­ly young when it comes to all of these tech­nolo­gies!
Have You Heard? We're Expanding ICF Production to Alaska!
Fox Blocks is expand­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing and ICF pro­duc­tion to Anchor­age, Alas­ka, by part­ner­ing with Insul­foam Man­u­fac­tur­ing Facil­i­ty.
Tips for Finding the Right Contractor
When you’re ready to move for­ward with your project, find­ing the right con­trac­tor can be a daunt­ing task.
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What's the Big Fascination Over Tiny Homes?
There’s no doubt that the idea of tiny home liv­ing is tak­ing off in a big way across the coun­try. But what’s the big fas­ci­na­tion over tiny homes real­ly all about?
Fox Blocks ICF Featured on News Segment on Fire Resistant Homes
Fox Blocks was con­tact­ed to sup­ply some info for a quick sto­ry air­ing on Fox News, on fire resis­tant homes and ICFs.
Do you have a High Performance Window Buck that will stand up to these tests?
Dur­ing a severe weath­er event, the most crit­i­cal fac­tor for increas­ing the chances of a building’s sur­vival is pro­tec­tion of all the open­ings to the out­side. Once the wind enters the struc­ture, the pres­sure changes lead to dis­as­trous results.
Fox Blocks Recognized at 2016 ICF Builder Awards
Fox Blocks is proud to announce win­ning sev­er­al awards this year and would like to thank our part­ners through­out the indus­try. With­out our team, win­ning these pres­ti­gious awards would not be pos­si­ble.