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Fox Blocks Wall Configurator User Guide

Fox Blocks Insulated Concrete Forms Preset Heavy ledger board.MOV

Fox Blocks Insulated Concrete Forms Preset Heavy ledger board.MOV

Fox Blocks and Vertical Rebar Placement

Fox Blocks and Vertical Rebar Placement

Largest Gulf Coast Fox Blocks Project Underway Houston School

Largest Gulf Coast Fox Blocks Project Underway Houston School

Fox Blocks Storm Shelter Short version

Fox Blocks Storm Shelter Short version

Screen Shot 2020 02 10 at 2 58 14 PM
17 Innovative Construction Trends for 2020
Construction sunset
Supporting Green Initiatives in Government with ICF Construction
Despite under­stand­ing the need for sus­tain­abil­i­ty, many archi­tects, design­ers and build­ing own­ers see the asso­ci­at­ed costs as a bar­ri­er. The real­i­ty is that, while switch­ing to sus­tain­able build­ing prac­tices does require an ini­tial invest­ment, it’s not as much as many assume.
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11 Problems Associated with Structural Insulated Panels and a Better Alternative
Con­trac­tors and archi­tects can avoid the prob­lems of struc­tur­al insu­lat­ed pan­el (SIP) wall con­struc­tion with Fox Blocks ICFs.
Build a Concrete House and Reap the Energy-Saving Rewards of Thermal Mass Home Design
Rebuilding a Commercial Building After a Flood
Rebuilding a Commercial Building After a Flood