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Sustainability is at Our Core
Our par­ent com­pa­ny, Air­lite Plas­tics, cre­ates plas­tic prod­ucts for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions – so we have a con­stant sup­ply of first-gen­er­a­tion recy­cled mate­r­i­al. And since it’s right here in our facil­i­ties, we work toward the small­est car­bon foot­print pos­si­ble.
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How Long Does It Really Take to Build a House?
Whether you’re build­ing your dream home or a cozy cot­tage, know­ing the time­line is essen­tial. How­ev­er, one of the first ques­tions that come to mind is, How long will it take to turn these blue­prints into my home?” Under­stand­ing the time­line is cru­cial for plan­ning, bud­get­ing, and ulti­mate­ly enjoy­ing the process of watch­ing your house come to life.
Decoding Net Zero Homes 2
Decoding Net-Zero Homes: Understanding the Concept and How to Build
A photo of a house with a strong foundation
What is the Strongest Foundation for a House?
The foun­da­tion is fun­da­men­tal to the longevi­ty, strength, and struc­tur­al sound­ness of a house. Home­own­ers and pro­fes­sion­als often ask, Which foun­da­tion is the most effec­tive for a house?” Find out here!
Flexible Construction 3
Flexible Construction: Can ICFs be Poured in Multiple Stages?
Pool House Construction: Costs, Materials, Plans, and More
Home plan conversion
10 Ways to Lower Homeowners Insurance Rates
Home­own­ers insur­ance is essen­tial for pro­tect­ing your prop­er­ty and assets, but it does­n’t have to break the bank. Learn­ing how to low­er home insur­ance pre­mi­ums can lead to sub­stan­tial sav­ings.
13 Must-Haves When Building a New Home
Build­ing a new home offers you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to include the lat­est ener­gy-effi­cient, durable, and sus­tain­able prod­ucts and meth­ods, sav­ing you mon­ey on month­ly and long-term expens­es.
Tips for Designing ICF House Plans with a Walkout Basement
Tips for Designing ICF House Plans With a Walkout Basement
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What Is Construction Phasing and Why Is It Important?
Con­struc­tion phas­ing is rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the way we approach build­ing projects. By divid­ing a project into man­age­able seg­ments, it is a strate­gic method for tack­ling large-scale devel­op­ments while also main­tain­ing oper­a­tional con­ti­nu­ity.