Understanding Insurance Trends for Wood vs. Concrete Midrise Buildings

Top Tips for Building a FEMA Approved Storm Shelters

What is a Frost Wall? 5 Tips to Maximize Insulation

Beach House Foundation Requirements: 4 Key Considerations for Your Home

11 Healthy Building Products for New Home Construction

Understanding ICC 500 Storm Shelter Requirements and the Best Materials to Utilize

8 Earthquake-Resistant Construction Techniques for a Reliable Build

8 Energy Star Requirements for New Homes and How to Meet Them
Is Your Home Built to Fight Fire?
For 2013, the U.S. Fire Administration reported 1,240,000 house fires. Houses constructed out of ICFs have key advantages in minimizing the damage and spread of these fires.
New Training for the Fox Block Interlock
We have found it to be a waste of time and energy to attempt to offset or stagger the block as in the photo to the left. By creating a vertical stacked seam you will be more accurate with the job dimensions and will increase your profit by gaining efficiency.