IMG 5771
The home­own­ers dreamed of a Euro­pean style estate that felt like home in Franklin, Ten­nessee. They knew they want­ed to build a con­crete home and when they dis­cov­ered Fox Blocks ICFs they had the per­fect build­ing mate­r­i­al to accom­plish their aes­thet­ic and sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals.
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Dis­cov­ery is one of the four schools to receive the zero ener­gy cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, nation­wide.
Everything You Need to Know About ICF Construction in Michigan
ICF Construction in Michigan - Everything You Need to Know
Solar Panels on Passive House Roof
What Is the Cost of Building a Net Zero Home?
Get to Know Us: Large-Scale Commercial Project Team
In this arti­cle, Randy Daniels and DC Mangimel­li, two pas­sion­ate team lead­ers dri­ven to assist in the suc­cess of ICF com­mer­cial projects for clients across the coun­try, share their insights, val­ues and an inside look into their every­day work and accom­plish­ments with com­mer­cial ICF instal­la­tion.
Considerations for Building an Energy-Efficient Home in Texas
How to Build Ener­gy-Effi­cient Home in Texas: Things to Con­sid­er
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6 Home Building Trends for 2020 Home Buyers
Home­build­ing trends large­ly reflect the demands of the Mil­len­ni­als — the largest home-buy­ing group enter­ing the hous­ing mar­ket as first time home buy­ers.
Icf block systems
How ICF Construction Lowers Capital and Yearly Expenses and Improves Resale Value
Fox 4
A Look at the Rising Cost of Lumber in Home Building
A slow­down at the lum­ber mills due to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, com­bined with oth­er fac­tors, has led to lum­ber short­ages and sky­rock­et­ing prices.
23 Must-Haves When Building an Energy-Efficient Home