How do I apply traditional stucco to an ICF?

Tra­di­tion­al stuc­co has a thick cemen­ti­tious base, typ­i­cal­ly installed over a met­al lath. The met­al lath is fas­tened direct­ly to the Fox Blocks webs with screw or sta­ples.

Build a Better Commercial Building With These 13 Tips
Fox Blocks sug­gests these thir­teen tips that build­ing own­ers and project man­agers should con­sid­er before build­ing a com­mer­cial build­ing.
Have You Heard? We're Expanding ICF Production to Alaska!
Fox Blocks is expand­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing and ICF pro­duc­tion to Anchor­age, Alas­ka, by part­ner­ing with Insul­foam Man­u­fac­tur­ing Facil­i­ty.
Is installing ICFs a DIY project?
Fox Blocks rec­om­mends that all installers using Fox Blocks ICFs com­plete a Fox Blocks train­ing pro­gram to ensure they have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the basics. How­ev­er, for first time installers, it is pre­ferred that a Fox Blocks trained, expe­ri­enced installer inspect the instal­la­tion pri­or to place­ment of con­crete and assist in the place­ment of the con­crete, as they are famil­iar with work­ing with con­crete and can ensure the build is struc­tural­ly sound and safe and the walls are con­sol­i­dat­ed prop­er­ly, built straight and plumb.
IMG 5771
The home­own­ers dreamed of a Euro­pean style estate that felt like home in Franklin, Ten­nessee. They knew they want­ed to build a con­crete home and when they dis­cov­ered Fox Blocks ICFs they had the per­fect build­ing mate­r­i­al to accom­plish their aes­thet­ic and sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals.
The church fea­tures unique win­dows that were accom­mo­dat­ed in the Fox Blocks struc­tur­al wall sys­tem.
Fox Blocks and ABC Fine Wine and Spirits 4K

Fox Blocks and ABC Fine Wine and Spirits 4K

Fox Blocks Fox Buck Install Malibu CA 5 2013

Fox Blocks Fox Buck Install Malibu CA 5 2013

Fox Blocks - Placing Concrete in a 5/12 Gable

Fox Blocks - Placing Concrete in a 5/12 Gable